Aims & Objectives
To provide effective, efficient and accountable local government
for the parish, enabling residents to be involved in the life of
the community and its future development.
To be a strong voice for residents and local businesses, working
to improve the overall village area both built and natural, while
preserving the uniqueness of our agricultural and mining heritage.
To understand and communicate the views, needs and aspirations of residents and businesses to statutory and non-governmental bodies as required.
Increase public involvement in the community through ensuring the Parish Council and its activities are open, transparent and accountable to residents.
Support local business and economic activity in the village.
Work with the County Council to provide safe, healthy and timely opportunities for recreation, leisure and education and to provide, maintain and improve play equipment, allotments and public recreation spaces.
To support the work of village voluntary organisations through grants and practical support.
Respond to planning applications and other statutory consultations on time, ensuring that recommendations made to the County Council adhere to any statutory regulations, local plans and interests of the community.
Promote, within our community, activities which support the principles of environmental sustainability and an ethical society, working with neighbourhood wardens and keep public places clean and safe.
Ensure that Councillors and Staff have access to high quality training and development opportunities and that they meet all required standards, for example working towards achieving Quality parish status.