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Parish Partners

Kimblesworth and Plawsworth Parish Council work with a range of partners to ensure the community's interests are best served.

Plawsworth and Kimblesworth Community Association (PKCA)

Plawsworth and Kimblesworth Community Association
Plawsworth and Kimblesworth Community Association
Plawsworth and Kimblesworth Community Association Playground

The Parish Council own the defibrillator located at the community centre and fund the replacement of parts. However, the community association carry out regular checks to ensure it is in good condition. The Council also own the bleed control cabinet at the same location. 


Both cabinets can be accessed in an emergency by calling 999. 

Nettlesworth Primary School

Nettlesworth Primary School

St Philip and St James Church, Kimblesworth

The Parish Council own the defibrillator located at the church and fund the replacement of parts. The cabinet can be accessed in an emergency by calling 999. 

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Red Lion Hotel

The Parish Council own the defibrillator located at the pub and fund the replacement of parts. The cabinet can be accessed in an emergency by calling 999. 

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Kimblesworth and Nettlesworth Task Force

Kimblesworth Cricket Club

Kimblesworth Cricket Club can be found on Facebook: @KimblesworthCC

In 2019, the Parish Council awarded £1,080 to the cricket club to introduce security shutters following a burglary. In 2021, we placed one of our village Christmas trees at the cricket club with their kind permission.

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In May 2022 we awarded a grant of £5,700 to refurbish the changing rooms and repair the roof.

HM Armed Forces

The Parish Council signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant in 2020.

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