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Bleed control cabinet installed

Kimblesworth and Plawsworth Parish Council has purchased and installed a new bleed control cabinet at Nettlesworth Community Centre.

When an emergency occurs, blood loss is a significant concern. Being able to control the blood loss before paramedics are on site can be life saving for victims of assault, car accidents, and other major injuries.

The parish council has installed a Daniel Baird Foundation Bleed Control Kit, in a secure cabinet, at Plawsworth and Kimblesworth Community Association's (PKCA) community centre in Nettlesworth.

The council wish to thank PKCA for giving permission to place the new bleed control cabinet next to our existing defibrillator cabinet at the centre. We hope both cabinets will never (or at least rarely) be required but it gives some peace of mind for residents that they are close at hand, should they be needed. If someone requires access to either cabinet they should call 999 and advise of their location, and a code will be provided to access the equipment. The emergency services will also help instruct on the use of equipment.

The council has no building assets but recognise that partnership working with the community association provides the best route for life saving equipment for residents. This cabinet has been placed within a 3-4 minute drive from all boundaries of the parish, is near to major roads (B6312 and A167) and the primary school, and of course is on hand for those using the centre. We are also exploring the placement of other cabinets across the villages and are in contact with private businesses and other organisations regarding permissions.

The bleed control kit is easy to use and provides immediate care to the injured. The kit can help slow and stop bleeding before emergency services arrive. It is housed in an accessible hi-vis red bag, and all the kit is clearly labelled for rapid identification. The kit is light and easily portable with a grab handle and belt loop. It includes instructions.

The Daniel Baird Foundation Bleed Control Kit was developed by West Midlands Ambulance Service, leading consultants from the Trauma Network, and the Daniel Baird Foundation to control major bleeds. The kit contains a:

  • large trauma dressing

  • gauze dressing

  • seal for penetrating chest wounds

  • tourniquet for stopping the flow of blood in arms and legs

  • foil blanket to keep patients warm

  • CPR face mask.

The Daniel Baird Foundation has been established in memory of Daniel Baird, who was just 26 years old when he was fatally stabbed in 2017, after a night out in Birmingham. His family believe that if an accessible bleed control kit was nearby, his life may have been saved.


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